The funding for Wounded Warrior Tennis will be utilized to properly reimburse the instructors for their skills and time, purchase tennis equipment
(racquets, balls, etc..) , training materials ( cones, air zones, target systems, etc) , set up fees for WWT ( IRS documentation, MD incorporation, etc), and web site management. An “Adaptive Clinic” has been held over a two day period in April of 2018, as supported by Patriot Enterprises. The number of veterans participants varies as they are obligated to have several rehabilitation appointments with their doctors and therapists, but our organization has interacted with 25+ individuals. Some of our veterans have never played the game before encountering our clinics, but they are fully engaged individuals who truly desire to learn and play this sport. Some of the players are prior tennis athletes, and want to improve their skill level, especially with the changes in their physical or mental conditions. Tennis is a means to regain their perspective after facing the harsh reality of military service. No matter the type of scars, the veterans persevere; Tennis can provide a pathway to a new life.